The world tourists arrive in Flagstaff, Arizona where they meet Elisa'sfather and younger sister, as well as another child of Oberon, the trickster Coyote, who needs some help with Xanatos and another Coyote, as well as something else from Peter.
As of this episode, the entire Maza family is aware of the Gargoyles.
Coyote makes its final appearance, in yet another upgraded body: Coyote 4.0, which is made from the melted down Cauldron of Life, which allows special properties, specifically, the ability to contain a Fae
This is the only episode in which Xanatos and Coyote are seen in the same place and interact. Not counting the end of Leader of the Pack, where Xanatos handled Coyote’s detached and damaged head, which was shut off at the time.
Xanatos implies that he's a fan of Coyote, which is why he named his robot after him.
On "Previously on Gargoyles" features Elisa and scenes from Mark of the Panther and The Price.